Ada the Dog
from http://adamaecompton.wordpress.com/ comments and more at this url
Hey everyone, I’m a three-legged dog named Ada who’s living the country life here in northcentral PA. My name is short for Americans with Disabilities Act. I was adopted from the vet’s office after I was abandoned by some guy who works in the natural gas industry. So the story goes: I was brought to PA from TX and left here when he went back to TX. After I became a stray and was hit in the road, someone dropped me off at the vet.
The vet saved me by amputating one of my front legs. A month later, I was adopted by my new master and he gave me my name. He lets me blog, but moans about using too much bandwidth, whatever that is.This is the blog of my life and the ongoings here in the country… specifically, the part about how operations at the Marcellus Shale wellpad next to my kennel’s property (literally) has affected my favorite places to play– in the field, in the pond, in the water from the garden hose.
So far, my master can light the tap water on fire and his pond’s ecosystem is crashing (e.g., the salamanders have died off). Pre-drill analytics show that I used to drink pristine water… now, my master fills my water bowl from one of those 5-gallon blue water jugs. The scariest part is that the gas wells next door haven’t even been fracked yet. All this drama and trauma is from the drilling process and/or the perforation process (which happens right before fracking). Isotopic analyses prove the thermogenic methane migration comes from the gas wells next door.
I’m guessing you’ve never met a dog with an education in organic chemistry, philosophy, or assessment, and I hope we can be friends!
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