Sunday, March 27, 2011

Questions for WV Democratic Gubernatorial Candidates Special Election 2011

[Thanks to Anita Rickenberg, Bjorn Larsen, Dale Brady, Carla Cook, Elaine Monroe, Evelyn Baker, Richard Reece, and others whom I may have missed on this list, for helping me to compile these questions to present to the six Democratic candidates for governor of WV in this special election of  2011.]
Gramma Windy
Prepared March 2011
1.        What do you consider are your qualifications that make you a superior candidate for governor of West Virginia?
2.       What sets you apart from other candidates as to specific issues that you support or oppose?
3.       What do you see as the most crucial issues confronting WV at this time?
4.       How do you reconcile competing demands of business, economy, workers, citizens, and the environment in considering legislation?
5.       What are your plans for building and maintaining highways and infrastructure?
6.       What are your plans for bringing jobs to our state?  Especially, what kinds of jobs other than extraction of natural resources?  Do you support providing living wage for our workers?  Do you support unions?
7.       In these difficult economic times, how will you plan on modifying income and expenditures in order to provide for counties’ needs?
8.       What is your stance on Mountain Top Removal Mining?
9.       What is your stance on the role of WV Department of Environmental Protection in regulating and inspecting mines, and on monitoring the effects of MTR Mining on air, water, forests, and citizens’ health?
10.    What is your stance on Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling?
11.   What is your stance on the role of WV Department of environmental Protection in regulating and inspecting natural gas drilling sites, and on monitoring the effects of fracking on air, water, land, and citizens’ health?
12.   What is your stance on the role of US Environmental Protection Agency in formulating and administering regulations affecting air and water quality in our state, and consequently, the health of the citizens of West Virginia?
13.   What energy alternatives would you consider for our state that are environmentally friendly?
14.   How is it that we can brag that our state is one of the richest in natural and mineral resources, and yet we rank near the bottom in terms of per capita wealth?
15.   What is your stance on the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act? 
16.   What alternative do you propose to provide affordable, accessible health care to a state where over 250,000 residents were uninsured in 2009? Such as the proposed legislation to establish a health exchange program in WV?
17.   What is your stance on the role of the federal government in the following privacy rights issues?
a.       Right to bear arms vs gun control
b.      Right of a woman to make her own reproductive decisions
c.       Right of gays and lesbians to choose their own life partners according to laws afforded American citizens
18.   What is your stance on the death penalty?
19.   What is your stance on the illicit drugs issues and the penalty for drug use?
20.   How will you improve law enforcement, courts and prison system, and subsequent parole and probation?
21.   How will you support the education system in order to see every child through the highest level of which s/he is capable, so that all our children can compete on a level playing system, and qualify for successful employment?  Will you support the principles set forth in Section A, parts 1-3, of the West Virginia State Party Platform?
22.   Do you support the Clean Elections Bill that would take corporate funding out of campaigns?
23.   Are you proud to be a Democrat?  Will you so state on your billboards, yard signs, and campaign ads?  Will you wear a donkey pin in your lapel?

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