Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Introducing my baby daughter

when Valerie was a child, she did not like being called "the baby," but now, I think she even introduces herself thusly.  Anyway, I ran across this blog entry of hers from Fall 2009.  I happen to like it.  I hope you do too.  Please feel free to respond.
Valerie's 25 things
1. I have a love/hate relationship with my cat, Leo McGarry
2. I have a love/love relationship with my honey, Craig.
3. I don’t mind killing spiders, though I wish they wouldn’t come into the office and tempt me so.
4. I didn’t own pink clothes until I was 30, thanks to my best friend Kim for introducing me to that mad, mad color.
5. When I was little I was sure success meant I would own a machine that spit out cinnamon/sugar toast and bacon any time I wanted.
6. I love to go on cruises. I want to live on a cruise ship. They have wireless on cruise ships right?
7. I’m addicted to my laptop.
8. Google.
9. I am the youngest of 9 kids, 7 of whom are girls, the 4 youngest kids are girls. I would have had it made if I’d been a boy instead of another girl. I’m just another girl.
10. I make crocheted afghans that are art. Well, I think so anyway. Right now I’m doing plaid.
11. I have a “To Do before I don’t Care” list. I took swimming lessons, learned to type, learned first aid and CPR, I just realized all the things on my list are “Learn to do…” things. I have 10 more things on my list, including learning scuba, archery, and fencing.
12. I love big hairy beasts. Big crush on Worf and Chewbacca.
13. I finished growing in college. Imagine trying to keep a college freshman in clothes when she grows three inches.
14. Favorite shows are all about smart people: Eureka, Numb3rs, Big Bang Theory.
15. The things I love to do, I never get to do: golf, travel, fish, sleep at night…
16. When I am restless I will create a spreadsheet for something.
17. I have written 5 chapters of a murder mystery.
18. “Be careful or you’ll end up in my novel” Is one of my favorite quotes.
19. I am sure someday every conversation will merely be strung together quotes from movies.
20. I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Do I have to grow up?
21. I need a day off. Really off. No phone. No people but my boys. Or maybe no people.
22. I learned to type for real when I was 35. It was freedom. Amazing freedom.
23. I’m developing the “Symphony” theory of thought. There is a symphony in your head but when you speak only one instrument comes out. Think of that when you speak, sometimes your thoughts don’t translate well because no one else hears the whole symphony. One small example of this is when people use acronyms and jargon.
24. I think my husband has the nicest and best friends in the world.
25. I have had more hair colors than some people have hairs.

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