Wednesday, June 27, 2012

False and Curious

Could it be that the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America are behind the whole so-called “Fast and Furious” scandal?

Consider, an assault weapons ban that had been in effect for 10 years expired in 2004, with no attempt on the part of President Bush or congress to renew it.  One can imagine that the gun manufacturers were ready to rush into production, that dealers had orders already placed, and that NRA/GOA were ready with model legislation to encourage their sale and distribution.  It was not surprising to hear over the next few years reports of AK47’s being smuggled into Mexico from the USA, in opposite flow to drugs being smuggled from Mexico into the USA.    Irrespective of any operations in which FBI/ATF may have been involved, as has been recently divulged.
NRA would have encouraged this smuggling, they made money off of it, it is not inconceivable that they might have encouraged border patrol to look the other way as the trucks rumbled through.

Now as to the role that FBI/ATF allegedly played in running guns in a kind of convoluted sting operation, which if true is the most abominably ridiculous of any operation the FBI/ATF has ever run, to what extent might NRA have played a part in that?  We know that NRA writes legislation to be presented in their favor, particularly at state level, such as the stand-your-ground laws, concealed weapon and open carry laws, allowing guns in public places, parks, bars, or whatever they were able to ram through a given legislature.  And even a law at the federal level to force states that did not allow concealed weapons to allow people with such permits from other states to carry in their states.  So much for states’ rights.  Is it then inconceivable that NRA might have designed the FBI/ATF operation, which has apparently gone through several incarnations beginning in the Bush administration? 
Now we are engaged in a great public farce, in which Rep Darrel Issa is conducting an investigation into “Fast and Furious,” but refuses to call ATF agents or FBI agents to question, or to listen to Democrats, or allow Democrats to do any of the questioning.  Attorney General Eric Holder has appeared at least nine times, to be insulted, accused of lying, and now threatened with contempt proceedings for not turning over all the documents Rep Issa has demanded, some of which it would be illegal to turn over, such as, documents on grand jury hearings and on wiretaps.  The president is accused of “covering up” because he cites executive privilege to support withholding of the documents.    Both Holder and Obama have said they knew nothing about the operation until it was exposed, and Holder closed it down as soon as he heard about it.  And now Republicans, including Issa, are echoing right-wing loud mouths and NRA, are claiming that the whole operation was a cockamamie scheme on the part of the Obama administration to take your guns away.  How prescient of President Bush to set this up in advance for President Obama.  But Democrats are claiming that the investigation is a witch-hunt,  a cockamamie scheme to get rid of Holder because of his blocking of some voter-suppression laws.

And then here is the NRA, flexing its muscles and showing who is really in charge, by warning Representatives that the vote for contempt is being scored and will affect financial support that the congresspeople get in their hometown elections.  And targeted Democrats are sitting up and taking notice and signaling that they may indeed vote for contempt.    Ah, yes, our principled legislators.
But hark, what is this I hear on the Martin Bashir program this evening?  The whole “Fast and Furious” operation may all be a chimera?  Wha—a—at?  Didn’t see that coming, as Cenk would say.

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