Monday, January 23, 2012

Outraged at their outrage

I am “appalled” that voters can be persuaded to vote for a candidate who engages in a “destructive, vicious, negative” attack on a moderator in a debate and, by extension, on all media.  It is “despicable” that Gingrich and his ilk have done much to make it “harder to govern this country,” given their continual attacks on President Obama.  And “harder to attract decent people to run for public office,” of whom, I suppose, Gingrich is a prime example.  [Okay, you may have noticed that those words in quotes are the ones used by Gingrich in his unwarranted attack on John King.]
So there they are on stage, four of them now, three of them “decent people” who have been married 43 years, 54 years, 21 years, to their first wives, with a total of 17 children among them, exemplars of family values.  And there is Gingrich, married three times in 50 years and a serial adulterer.  Divorcing each wife after she was diagnosed with serious illness.  And there those four men stand, on stage, in noble debate, before a sanctimonious, family-values, DOMA-supporting audience, who cheer Gingrich wildly for his defense of his blatantly adulterous life, (as they did in a previous debate when he "put Juan Williams in his place") and go on to vote for him in the primary over those other three “decent people.”

Go figure.

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